Five reasons to embrace your creativity


Five reasons to embrace your creativity

In today’s society, creativity is one of the strongest skills you can have. If those skills come naturally, you are destined for success! Whether you are more creative on the English writing side of things or have great artistic strength, you can use these qualities to your advantage. 

Many people believe the professional roles in life, such as becoming a doctor or lawyer, are the only way to reach success, however, this is not necessarily true. Not only is creativity valued in many work environments, but it also has many benefits for a healthy mind and wellbeing. We have put together five reasons why you should embrace yours! Let's dive into them.

#1.  Improving mental health and wellbeing

Your mental health and wellbeing are as important as your physical health, which is why it is important you look after your brain as much as you do your body! Using creativity to help improve or maintain your mindset is a great way to keep healthy. Taking time out of your day to embrace your creativity through writing, drawing, or designing is said to help reduce stress, depression and anxiety symptoms and can also spark motivation!

#2.  Problem Solving

From everyday life to unexpected issues in a work environment, problem-solving is a skill most humans need to have. When going into a new job role, they may ask if you have this ability, but have you ever thought of the way in which creativity works hand-in-hand with problem-solving? If you can think of a solution on the spot, you most likely have a creative mindset. This will help you navigate through situations quite easily and also increase your employability. Therefore, whenever an unexpected situation is sprung onto you, you shouldn’t be afraid of expressing your ideas to help solve it.

#3. Choose your own destiny

With every great business idea, comes a creative mind. If you are someone who doesn’t know what route to go down in the future but know you want to be successful, this is where you can use creativity to your advantage. By bringing creative skills forward, you can carve your own path. Depending on the area of your interests and passions, you could create the next revolutionary product, design, or service just by using your mind.

#4. You can inspire others

Some people fear embracing their own creativity and prefer to stay within the lines. But you can help others have the confidence to express theirs by showcasing yours. A small example of your creativity could have a huge positive impact! If you have a caring personality and like the idea of helping others this might be a key reason to start embracing your creativity. Be the inspiration people need and want to see!

#5. The possibility of uncovering new skills

If you never tap into your creative side, you will never know what you are capable of. Challenging yourself by trying new things, for example, trying out new recipes or starting a new hobby, could bring light to a skill you may have never known you had. When you find these new skills, you find a new way to express yourself and embrace creativity!

There are many more reasons why you should bring your creative side out to play, those that have been mentioned are just a few. Hopefully, we can spark that inspiration and motivation in you with one of these benefits.

At the University of Bolton, we have multiple courses designed to allow students to further their creative skills and enjoy #UniAsItShouldBe; you can check these out by following the link here! For any further information contact us at or call us on 01204 903903.




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