University of Bolton, Deane Road, Bolton. BL3 5AB
“At the University of Bolton, we take great pride in providing a quality, supportive learning environment for our students.”
Professor George E Holmes DL | President & Vice Chancellor
“...tutors are very supportive and you’re not just a student ID number, at this university you are an individual with a name.”
Ellisse Vernon | BSc (Hons) Adult Nursing
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University of Bolton, why we are the right choice
Location - Bolton, Greater Manchester
2 December 2024
In the ever-changing world of healthcare, apprentices who change lives while ensuring vital NHS services run smoothly are so important. Danielle Watson, an Electrical and Electronic Engineering Degree...
27 November 2024
Universities UK has just confirmed what you probably already suspected - graduates earn more than non-graduates. A lot more. So, if you’re thinking of coming to study at the University of Bolton, this...
27 November 2024
Jessica Law, our Senior Lecturer of Sport Rehabilitation at the University of Bolton’s School of Clinical and Biomedical Sciences, shares her sporting challenges, authentic journey and how she’s empow...