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Location - Bolton, Greater Manchester
An engineering graduate from the University of Bolton researched an innovative smart home energy system in remote communities as part of his graduation project.
Yusuf Alghamadi explored the use of solar power in a hot and dry environment to minimise dependence on the grid and plans to share his research with companies in the Middle East.
The project, ‘Design of a Smart Home Energy Management System with PV Panel’, is considered ‘smart’ because it integrates advanced technologies and intelligent systems to manage energy more efficiently.
Yusuf, who graduated from the University’s BEng (Hons) Electrical and Electronic Engineering degree course earlier this year, said: “The entire system can be controlled and monitored from any location worldwide. It provides 100 per cent free electricity long term, as the power source is only from the sun and integrated with a storage system.
“The project mainly targets the remote areas to provide sustainable and reliable electricity to communities that lack access to conventional power sources.
“I plan to share my research with industries in Saudi Arabia and would like it to serve as a demonstration model at the University of Bolton for current and future students.”
Dr Akram Bati, Programme Leader BEng (Hons) and MSc Electrical and Electronic programmes, at the University of Bolton, said he was “very impressed” by the research project and added: “Yusuf was a very engaged student has done so well in all his projects.”
Last year, Yusuf, who is from Saudi Arabia, led a team of students to design a fearsome ‘Robot Wars’ style fighting machine, from a design brief by Labman Automation. Teams designed prototypes and the winning model was dubbed ‘The Black Widow’ and featured a rotating ‘buzz-saw’ style blade.