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Research & Graduate School

The Research & Graduate School (R&GS) manages all research degree students and researcher development across the University of Bolton. This page contains information about postgraduate research degrees, research development and the Postgraduate Research Students’ Society.

The Research & Graduate School offers support for all research degree students to enhance their experience as a researcher and to make the most of researcher opportunities at the university. Other responsibilities include:

  • Setting out a code of practice for standards and expectations for research degrees

  • Ensuring that these standards and expectations are met

  • Raising awareness of funding opportunities

  • Providing funding to support research student activities such as conference and workshop attendance

  • Supporting a friendly, stimulating research community and environment

  • Acting on student feedback provided by the Postgraduate Research Experience Survey (PRES)

PhD Studentship

Postgraduate Research Degrees

Research degrees offer you the opportunity to develop and demonstrate your ability to undertake research that makes an original contribution to knowledge in given field. As well as a Master of Philosophy (MPhil) and a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree by thesis, the University of Bolton provides the opportunity for you to undertake your Postgraduate Research Degree by different routes including, MPhil and PhD by Practice, MPhil and PhD by Publication and Professional Doctorates.

Read more about Postgraduate Research Degrees at the University of Bolton.

Researcher Development

The University of Bolton is committed to the highest level of researcher development at a personal and professional level to allow researchers to reach their full potential. The Research & Graduate School offers a comprehensive Research Degree Student Development Programme that includes:

  • An induction programme to life at the university and as a research degree student

  • Weekly workshops to enhance your research skills delivered by research staff from across the university

  • Research methods seminars and workshops

  • Online resources available through our virtual learning environment for all workshops and training programmes

  • Progress monitoring and development review

  • Annual research degree student conference hosted by the Postgraduate Research Students Society

  • Annual Research Summer School

As a research degree student at the University of Bolton, you will be encouraged to engage with the workshops, seminars and research degree student conference.

As well as engaging with University of Bolton workshops, seminars and research events, the Research & Graduate School encourages all researchers to make use of the VITAE Researcher Development Planner and the VITAE Researcher Development Framework. As a member of VITAE, University of Bolton research degree students benefit from the VITAE researcher development insight and expertise.

The University of Bolton strives to apply the terms of the Concordat to support the career development of researchers, commonly known as the Researcher Development Concordat. This  is an agreement between stakeholders to improve the employment and support for researchers and researcher careers in higher education in the UK. It sets out three clear principles of environment and culture, employment and professional, and career development. The principles are underpinned by obligations for the four key stakeholder groups, funders, institutions, researchers and managers of researchers to realise the aims of the Concordat.

Research & Graduate School Staff

Name  Affiliation  Room   Ext. No. Email 
 Bethan Atkins School/Project Administrator G8 I-Zone  3078
 Nicola Dunn Research Administrator G8 I-Zone  3615
Kathryn Gabrielides  Research Admissions Administrator G8 I-Zone  3104
Dr Andrew T Graham Executive Dean  F4 I-Zone  3220
 Dr Angela Tinwell Senior Lecturer C2-10 3589
 Tracy Toker School/Project Administrator  G8 I-Zone 3691
 Bilkis Yusuf Clerical Officer (Events)  G8 I-Zone  3549
 Donna Zarei Research Administration Team Leader  G2 I-Zone  3101

Research Events

The Research & Graduate School organises a series of training events mapped out to the VITAE Researcher Development Framework in support of research skills development. These events are open to all postgraduate research students, and staff. Click here for our research events and booking form.


Erasmus+ is the EU programme for education, training, youth and sports for 2014-2020. It includes learning mobility of individuals, cooperation for innovation and exchange of good practice, and support for policy reform. The Research & Graduate School encourages research students and staff to participate in the Erasmus+ scheme.

Postgraduate Research Students Society

The aim of the Postgraduate Research Students Society (PGRSS) is to bring together research students at the University of Bolton, and share knowledge, information and experience amongst researchers. The PGRSS:

  • Organises academic conferences for research degree students

  • Organises various social events throughout the year

  • Provides a support and feedback mechanism for research degree students

The members of the PGRSS are research degree students across all disciplines at the University of Bolton. The Society President and Officers are elected annually by members of the PGRSS for a period of one year.

Membership is free and is open to all University of Bolton postgraduate research degree students. Please visit the Bolton Student Union website for more information.

Research Excellence Framework 2014

The University of Bolton is dedicated to delivering world-leading research. Our research generates a positive impact on business and the community, as well as contributing to the knowledge economy.

Seven areas of our research are considered ‘world-leading’ or ‘internationally excellent’ according to the latest Research Excellence Framework, including Creative Writing, Engineering & Psychology. Further information about the Research Excellence Framework can be found here.


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