University of Bolton, Deane Road, Bolton. BL3 5AB
“At the University of Bolton, we take great pride in providing a quality, supportive learning environment for our students.”
Professor George E Holmes DL | President & Vice Chancellor
“...tutors are very supportive and you’re not just a student ID number, at this university you are an individual with a name.”
Ellisse Vernon | BSc (Hons) Adult Nursing
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University of Bolton, why we are the right choice
Location - Bolton, Greater Manchester
Each year the university carefully reviews its admissions arrangements for the next academic year’s intake. In making decisions about admissions arrangements, we consider a range of factors including: academic performance of students recently joining the university, the external environment in which we are operating and feedback from students and schools and colleges.
The following arrangements are in place for entrants joining the university from January 2022.
We recognise that all our applicants are different and are seeking to join the university from a range of backgrounds and educational routes. In making our decision on your suitability to study at the university and the offer that we make to you, we will look at all the information available to us via your application form and we may contact you to discuss your application in more detail. Some of our courses require a face-to-face or video interview, whereas others we may wish to speak with you on the telephone. For courses in the arts we will request to see a portfolio of work from you which will contribute to our decision.
If you are still working towards your qualifications you will be made a conditional offer. At the University of Bolton, we do not make unconditional offers on predicted grades.We want you to do the best you can and we do not think unconditional offers are in the students’ best interests.
For some of our courses, we may make you a ‘better’ offer which requires fewer UCAS points than we have previously published. This offer will be based your application, our discussions with you and on your predicted grades. If we make you a ‘better’ offer we are confident that you have the talent and potential to succeed on the course and we hope that this will take some pressure off your final assessments and make studying with us more achievable.