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You Didn't Get the Right A-Level Exam Results, So What Next?


You Didn't Get the Right A-Level Exam Results, So What Next?

Okay, it’s your worst-case scenario and you didn’t get the right A-Level exam results, so what’s next? Well, first just take a deep breath. Tens of thousands of other students (nearly 40%) are dealing with the exact same scenario and it’s not the end of the road. You can still have an incredible university career, you just need to take a few extra steps.

Start with self-care

Don’t get yourself panicked. Find a nice quiet place to reflect and relax. Find your calm. It can help to talk to a parent, friend or sibling about what you’re feeling and bounce some ideas off of them. If you’re really feeling down, talk to your GP or get some support for student mental health from an established charity. You don’t have to figure everything out today. Take some time to really think and not simply react to your A-Level exam results. You’ll make the best decisions when you’re calm, well rested and prepared to consider all your options. So, get a good night’s sleep, clear a few hours later in the week and dive into the various paths open to you when you’re 100% ready.

Explore every path

Next, you’ll want to talk to your chosen institution. If they’re anything like Bolton University, they’ll want to be flexible and supportive. Let’s imagine you narrowly missed out on Dentistry. That’s okay! You could take a Dental Tech course with a 1-year upgrade and then you can still be a dentist. Maybe you’re just not sure what you want to do now. That’s alright too. Why not take this quiz which uses characteristics you possess to match you with some amazing courses you may never have considered before? It could help you find a new career path you might not have explored where your grades are definitely good enough. Maybe you would like to change your course of study or make other alterations to your learning plan like switching to part-time study. That’s okay too. If your university is supportive and nurturing like Bolton, they’ll have advisors standing by to help you navigate the process.

Start the Clearing process

As we said, nearly 40% of students have to go through Clearing so you’re not alone. Click here to learn more about what the process is and how to start it. There are also amazing Open Days that you can attend at Bolton during August and September 2023 that will show you what it’s like to study here. So don’t forget to reserve a space for those by clicking the link here. Don’t worry. The clearing process isn’t scary or a path of least resort. It’s the way that a lot of students start their careers and if you’re one of them, just know that we’re here for you. We want you to have a smooth transition into your course of study. So, if you’re considering Bolton University during Clearing, just know you’re making a smart choice. Our small class sizes and inclusive atmosphere is one of the many ways we show you what #UniAsItShouldBe looks like every day.

Have questions about Clearing 2023? Email or call +44 1204 903142 to speak to a member of the team. We’re always here to help!


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