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Global Citizenship in the Modern Workplace


Global Citizenship in the Modern Workplace

In today's interconnected world, your ability to mesh with a kaleidoscope of cultures, ideas, and perspectives isn't just nice to have; it's what makes you. Being a global citizen means you're not just working alongside diversity but leveraging it to push boundaries, spark innovation, and lead with empathy and insight.

What is Global Citizenship All About?

Being a global citizen isn't just about stamping your passport. It's about how you interact, understand, and vibe with people from all corners of the globe, right in your own office. It's knowing that a team member from Brazil might approach a problem differently than someone from Japan, and that's not just okay - it's incredible.

Why You Should Care

1. Diverse teams excel 

Diverse teams bring in fresh ideas and new ways to look at challenges. 

2. Better problem-solving

When you've got a mix of perspectives, you're more likely to come up with out-of-the-box solutions. 

3. It's a people thing

Understanding and valuing where someone's coming from builds respect. And when people feel respected, teams do amazing things together.

The Consequences of Overlooking Global Citizenship

In becoming a global citizen, being aware of common pitfalls can be as crucial as embracing the right practices. Let's delve into some blunders professionals might encounter when they neglect this vital aspect of their development:

Cultural missteps

A lack of cultural awareness can lead to misunderstandings that strain professional relationships and tarnish reputations. These missteps can range from inappropriate gestures to misinterpreted communication styles, each potentially derailing partnerships or projects.

Limited problem-solving

A professional with a narrow, monocultural lens may find their problem-solving capabilities are restricted. Without the benefit of diverse perspectives, solutions may be less innovative or effective.

Missed opportunities

Ignoring the value of global citizenship can result in missed opportunities for collaboration, innovation, and expansion. Professionals might overlook potential markets, partnerships, or learning experiences that could propel their careers and organisations forward.

Team dynamics challenges

Without global citizenship skills, teams may struggle with internal conflicts, miscommunication, or a lack of cohesion, all of which can impede progress and create a less inclusive workplace.

Getting Practical with GAME

At the University of Bolton, we want all our students to become global citizens. Not only are we proud of our Inclusive, diverse, and supportive learning environment, but we help all students develop in this area with our Graduate Attributes Matrix for Employability (GAME) framework.

This initiative is not about sitting in a lecture hall hearing about global citizenship; it's about getting out there and living it through extracurricular activities, volunteering, and much more. You’ll use the GAME framework to assess 10 critical employment skills, with global citizenship being one of the 10. Discover more about it here.

Boost Your Employability by Being a Global Citizen

Think of global citizenship as your passport to standing out in a crowded job market. It's about being someone who can bridge gaps, innovate, and lead.

Ready to level up your global game? Dive into Bolton's GAME initiative and start building those skills today. It's not just about being a great employee; it's about being a great global citizen.

Want to get started or learn more? Drop us a line at or give us a ring at 01204 903903.

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